Hey folks! I’m proud to present you the new dress of Think and Build!
Hope you like it!
Now that I can spend more time to focus on this blog, I’d like to keep my promises and write with continuity.
Think and Build hosts my tutorials about iOS, OS X and web development, organizing posts in 2 main categories for easier browsing: Tutorial and Tips. All the source code will be available on Github, linked within the article itself.
I’d rather close the comment system to move the conversation on Twitter though, because I hope that every discussion will grow and expand beyond the post itself, thanks to you and your contribution getting the word out to even more people!
So, Thank you for being here! And a special thank goes to Nicola who helps me with his suggestions and tweaks!
Let’s start this new adventure!
Yari D'areglia
https://www.thinkandbuild.itCEO at Nexent.io by day, indie game developer by night. I also run the blog indiegames.wtf.