Think And Build

Think And Build

Think And Build is a blog about mobile and videogame development, mainly focused on iOS and Unreal Engine.

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Playing around with Core Graphics, Core Animation and Touch Events (Part 2)

Posted on December 1st, 2012.

Hi Guys! Welcome back to the last part of this tutorial. In the previous post I showed you how to draw an image using Core Graphics, in this post we’ll add some behavior to that image. Handling touch We can start by updating the circle position depending on the touch location. Here I’ll briefly show you how to use the...


Playing around with Core Graphics, Core Animation and Touch Events (Part 1)

Posted on November 13th, 2012.

In this two parts iOS tutorial I’ll show you a way to connect Core Graphics, Core Animation and Touch event management. The result of this experiment is a circle filled with a red gradient which appears smoothly when the user touches the screen, following his pan actions.


Dealing with multiple screens programming

Posted on October 6th, 2012.

During the development of some applications, it’s really important to make adjustments to make them works correctly on multiple screens… fear not! The OSX global coordinate system works in a really clever way and thanks to the NSScreen class you can get every information you need about users’ displays. There are two...